_____ _ _______ _____ _ _ | __ (_) |__ __| | __ (_) | | | |__) | ___ _ __| | ___ | |__) | ___ _ __ _ __ ___| |_ | ___/ |/ _ \ '__| |/ _ \| ___/ |/ _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ __| | | | | __/ | | | (_) | | | | __/ |_ | | | | __/ |_ |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___|_(_)|_| |_|\___|\__| >>>>> Tom's start'O'matic RC 1 <<<<< This is an onscreen display for Match Racing built for OBS. >>>>> Manual <<<<< 1. Just run the the .exe (64bit) 2. Edit input/teamsShort.txt to add team names 2. in OBS add a Browser Source, local file and point it to output/index.htm Based on Scroreboard Plus by ha0511kr with help from XxRockeshotxX & Sickmind33 from https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/scoreboard-windows-macos.150/ >>>>> History <<<<< Rebuilt to do Rugby, then re-rebuilt to do Sailing by Tom the Oceanhippie. >>>>> Bugs <<<<< 1. The Stop timer button doesn't stop the XML runing box. Resetting or altering the timer does. 2. Sound doesn't work - may be never did? - old feature not used by me. 3. Remote doesn't work - may be never did? - old feature not used by me. Probably loads more.... >>>>> Trivia <<<<< The up down buttons and the zeros are left overs from the scorboard. They don't do nowt, I ket htem as spares. input/TeamsLong.txt is a long name version of the teamnames - they are outputed to output/vs.txt - handy for an intro creen or similar. >>>>> Source Code <<<<<< https://oceanhippie.net/content.php?Cat=6&Res=4126 _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ ____ ___ | |__ (_)_ __ _ __ (_) __ ___ __ | |_ / _ \ / _|/ _|/ _' |/ _ \| |_ \| | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _| / _ \ / _|| '_| | (_) | (_| |-- (_| | | | | | | | | (_) | (_) | | |-- _ | | | | |--| |_ \___/ \__|\__/___'_|_| | |_| |_|_| |__/| |__/|_|\|_/(_)| | | |\__/ \__| the world is flat............ |_| |_| http://www.oceanhippie.net