What happend to the SCITE installer?
They're used be one with a night right click "edit with SCITE" in a new window / tab button. it was handy because SCITE is a build it yourself from source kind of project

I think who ever made it has left the internet - or possibly died. OK that's morbid but this we're a generation into the 21st century now and one man projects aren't going to last past the death of their creators.
The scite installer was just that - some one easy packaged up Scintilla with a nice install - its even 'registered' on my works allowed list cos its good. Admittedly it was me wot registered it, but since then some one else has upgraded it.
To the packager of SCITE thankyou for your 20 years of service, I hope your OK and not dead. I will miss you and I don't even know who you are.
12° 27.6' S, 130° 48.1' E