oops, no fish today.
an angel fish?
a bird
I'm struggling with the captions, you can tell.
a blue fish
Not to be confused with any other blue fish you may have seen.
another iguana
low crime rate, here, wonder why
more driftwood
Igunana big one
frigate birds
the one that got a way
cattle? grid
Bonaire driftwood
4 eyes..
nice water
Boanire sea front
one day I will try this
floating food poison
thinks I'm a fly
Slave hut
All left feet, dammit
mobed by lizzards
that hurt...
ooh er what a posh dinghy dock
salt, Bonaire's main export
Alan Scrubbing
the famous Bonaire shoe line
Soap Dodger, says who?
see an aneneneneneneme
Sunset on Jackal
White Slave