Lucent PCMCIA - ISA adapter (Vadem)

I had a PCMCIA - ISA adapter cheap of ebay. When I first put it in win98 it windows died, wouldn't boot and said Quote:
Error in IO Subsys
  or some such nonsense. 

Don't worry windows already has the drivers for this card!

  Solution, take the card back out. Boot windows, when it finally settles down and stops diverting you to safe mode, go to the control panel:

select add new hardware
Select Hardware From list
Select PCMCIA slot

find Vadem
Select Vadem PCIC compatible PCMCIA

the only other option was for a Vagdem PCIC compatible PCMCIA Plug and Play, this may work, I was using a card with a Vagdem 469 chip on it, and the non Plug and Pray worked fine.

  insert the wretched windows cd when prompted assuming you didn't get pissed off and copy it to the hard drive wasting loads of space.

When its finished it will ask you to reboot, when its shutdown, add the card boot up and stuff in you orinoco card and it will work....... Hopefully.