Blog Archives, all I ever wrote, soe fro before the word blog was invented.
Wireless Stuff, Including Meshap, and Stuff for
Stuff about dinghies
PHP Scripts, MySql Queries and Stuff
Tom's travels in 98/99 from the Canaries to Thailand
Tom's Travels in 2001 from Canaries to Brighton via the Caribbean
Odd bits of info on places I've visited, people I've sailed with etc.
Sailing the Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific 2007/8
Yacht Cruising Infomation and Pilotage NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION
Off again to islands and oceans. Mostly this is videos desktop wallpapers etc, most of the news and write ups go into my blog these days
The Hitchhikers Guide to the ocean, Tom's TV show - website - youtube thingamybob. With Coconuts. The Story of my 2010 trip across the Caribbean and Pacific. In TV style epesodes. This pages is only and extention of the main HHG20 page
Advertising scams on facebook
Does Facebook / Meta realize that pausing on their crap means I have shit eyesight not that I am engaging with the content?
I'm sure I am not the only one who wonders how dumb advertisers are to dump all that money on Facebook?
I am sure that 'making fonts smaller' makes adverts better. Or their metrics better. Same thing if it's your commission.
Today my feed is full of things I vaguely know about often from long ago who's toys and spin offs and re-remakes I probably won't buy or watch?
Its clearly targeted at me, badly, but targeted, more than dogs on socks and Scotland that I normally get but I'm never going to spend any money on it? Maybe people do go and spend a bunch of money on the crap they see, I doubt its very much. There's clearly money in, the question is why.
Take the Scam Josh Kirby account that Facebook keeps showing me, its defiantly a scam, he's been dead these 20 years. The account shows art work from the Discworld books, and not just scanned either whoever it is has access to the originals before barcodes, isbn and titles. Its obviously making money - probably off facebooks creators pittance kickback (assume they have one).
Its not selling anything or even advertising anything, accept maybe tangentially Terry Pratchett books. I'm not paying or it with money, I might be paying with my data which see above shouldn't be worth a lot. Facebook knows its a scam (cos I told them) and are clearly happy with it, and continue to pay out. Someone is paying for this. My conclusion is its someone really dumb.
Facebook are undoubtedly fleecing their clients, (we're not clients we're product) Facebook are lying to marketers about my interest in stuff they put there when I'm not. The marketers are therefore getting fleeced. The bright ones probably know and are fleecing their employers. Its my conclusion is that losers market on facebook. I see so many clever bits of well targeted advertising in YouTube creators inline videos - some do get to me. (I block normal adds).
Facebook could better target me - it defiantly knows about the sailing but I suspects the big buoys of sailing don't drop as much money as the tat paddlers, and the tat peddlers have been told how much I'm interested in the tat I had to double take to make sure it wasn't from my mates.
Or am I part of the scam to promote a dead guys art work for money? Obviously someone has to fund the companies that run the marketing. Looking at my facebook pretty sure that's not me either. Is it you?
12° 27.6' S, 130° 48.1' E