Privacy Policy

OK to be honest this is a waste of time.

I'm putting it here cos its the right thing to do. I'm not out to get you! Unlike Facbook and pretty much the rest of the internet.

This site does have a login system for making comments. It uses cookies to track logins. it also uses cookies to track certain features that can be turned on and off, even for un-registered users.

What the hell is a cookie?
A Cookie is a small fragment
of information set by a website
and stored on your computer
by your browser. Designed for
thinks like I use them for, such as
turning sound autoplaying off or 
on. They have however been
abused by the marketing industry
to spy on where you've been etc

If you use the anonymous commenting then all this site will set are cookies for auto playing embedded audio and another cookie to show or hide the tweets section of the front page.

If you register for commenting I hold your name, and email address. Should for any reason you want these deleted ask. I will not use them for any bulk, unsolicited or marketing purposes. I might use one if you say something really interesting to send you a personal email. That's it.

I'm a straight up honest guy. I don't mess people around. There adds from google on the page, you can trust 'em about as far as you can throw them, likewise I use google analytics to get an insight into who comes to this site and why.

Sorry about the google thing, everyone does this, I'm just telling you about it.

 I also read my server logs, both by hand and using analysis tools. For those of you still reading when you retrieve a file from a website, the server automatically stores information about that request. This is the default behaviour for the whole web. This information (depending on your set up) can include Your IP Address, the Operating System of your computer and version there of, you browser and the version there of, and most intersting to people like me the "Referring Page" I.E. the previous page you visited. In the case of goolge that information can tell me what you were searching for when you found me! Again this is normal. You can tell you browser not to send referer information if you like.