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Achiveing great things

I have achieved great things, those of you who've accidentally been reading this since the interesting? bits about ocean travel dried up may have noticed some ranting. modern western life does that to people.

The Rants were targeted at the Volvo Ocean Race website and NTL (aka Virgin).


Not only is my telephone now working, its on the right number too. Anyone who’s ever phoned NTL will agree that this is an achievement of god like proportions, it only took about a month.

Not only that I managed, to get every bit of the Volvo Ocean Race website not only to work, but to work on Linux on my tinny little eee pc. Ok so the video’s only worked in one browser, and just the once before they stopped again, but work they did. I even got Race Viewer to work on the eee too. Only that’s stopped again. On both windows and linux.

As an aside to my hi tech even a geek takes 10 days to get it to work rant about the VOR site I have to take my hat off to Mark Chisnell, who writes the daily 10 ZULU reports. His sense of humour and warnings about technical content make it accessible to not just sailors like me but help the non sailors follow the weird concepts like why the fleet is heading south of west down the coast of Brazil whilst Cape Town is more like east.

It makes perfect sense to me already but I’m sure he’s helping laymen with his links to wikipedia. I particularly like the way he links to youtube videos to explain terms, or illustrate metaphors. Links to Jonny Cash and Pulp Fiction and 18ft skiff Videos on youtube. I think this is what HTML was supposed to be.

Thank you Mark thanks to following links I find my self member of the order of the Golden Dragon (sail across the Date Line) and order of the Ditch (been the through the Panama canal) which I'd never heard of before.