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A Hitch Hikers guide to the ocean

Or how to sail around the world on someone eles's boat.


Topics will include:

Where and when to find a boat.
What it costs
World Weather patterns
Life on board a yacht.
People you’ll meet.
Things you’ll see.

I Tom (Oceanhippie, Order of the Ditch, order of the Golden Dragon) be giving a presentation on the 18th November at 7:00 pm about my travels with a definatle slant on how to do it yourself. What to bring what to expect, how to got about it costs etc. It will be FAB I promice.

There will be tails of Islands, oceans, rastas, kitten smuggling, volcanoes, testicles swinging in the breeze, insanity of a ships captain, boobies*, nakedness, baking, waterfalls.

Warning - may contain gratuatious photos, videos etc. some educational value and if your very lucky nudity*.

Now the location is not likely to be a suprise to anyone who knows me well, you can probalby guess it. If your a member of Joe Public, then you'll need to contact me oceanhippie at yahoo.com its not that your not welcome, its just I need to know numbers of outsiders.

* - Not those kind of boobies!