
That's Gotta hurt

Posted: Tue 16th June 2009 in Blog

RSS users need to go to my blog to see the video http:/ www.oceanhippie.net/blog.php?mo=6&ye=2009

Telephonica blue find a rock big time. Woah. Typical Ian Walker, "this whole counties rock". Ken Read on Puma looked extreemly streesed. Can't say I blame him watching someone go from 15kn to dead stoped right in front of you is scarry. I've tried this at less than half speed. Matt ended up in hospital, the boat in 6months of reapir/p>

EDIT: RSS users, error in the URL/p>


That's Gotta hurt

Posted: Tue 16th June 2009 in Blog

That's Gotta hurt

RSS users need to go to my blog to see the video http:/ www.oceanhippie.net/blog.php?mo=6&ye=2009

Telephonica blue find a rock big time. Woah. Typical Ian Walker, "this whole counties rock". Ken Read on Puma looked extreemly streesed. Can't say I blame him watching someone go from 15kn to dead stoped right in front of you is scarry. I've tried this at less than half speed. Matt ended up in hospital, the boat in 6months of reapir/p>

EDIT: RSS users, error in the URL/p>
