When is murder justified?
As resident geek, I've now been shown a couple of "new" PC's both massivley out spec at least most of my PC's. The trouble is they're running windows vista. They've only a gig of ram. This is theft, extortion, it really is. I'm sitting here, i've cleaned it up nothing's running in the background that isn't essencial. The hard disk's nailed to the roof just swaping windows's own programs in and out of swapfile.
Some dumb mark paid for this machine, effectivly its a paperweight. A single monkey with a typewriter is more likley to come up with a new version of Hamlet than this PC do anyhting worh while.
It makes me particualty angry. I know what I'm doing, the poor lady who bought this has been right royally done. Its like selling a car with an engine, but no fuel tank. I've been watchig it trying every trick I know to squeze juice out of it, the CPU throttle never goes above 50%, let allone the usage? How could it the disk is so buisy prentending to be memory that it could never supply the CPU with sufficient data to actually work.
Now this one was bought from ALDI, which says it all, windows vista home no downgrade to XP. Now punching the aldi chceckout girl in the face is not justifeid. Punching the face of anyone from Medion I suspect is completly justified. This PC didn't work when it left the factory.
The other PC I saw like this was sold by an employee of a computer shop. He (I'm assuming it was a he) is another matter entirely. I think murder may in his case be justified. He looked the potential owner in the eye and took her money, despite knowing full well she was throwing it away.
This makes me really angry, nothing will ever be done about it, Microsoft lied about "Vista Capable" but the lawsuit in the us had to be dropped. Becasuse it does actually function with vista on it. Just at the same speed as browsing the internet via carrier pigeon whilst swimming in syrup. So next time you see a shop with a vista pc and 1 gig of ram for sale break its windows and point them at my blog.
Foot note, and yes they both had vista home so no prospect of a windows 7 upgrade, that would probalby run fine.