Right I'm really going this time.
If your reading this I've finally successfully gotten to Antigua. The Island may have sunk under the weight of my crap. But I'll have got there.
This is because, unlike Barbados, KL, Dubai and I rather suspect pretty much every other airport in the world Gatwick has no free WiFi. Best of bugger of British to you.
That means this was uploaded from Antigua - the odds are neither it or I will surviving the crash so Antigua it will be. For the many of you like Alrik, BEC and BSC who's constant "I thought you'd gone" lines were beginning to grate here's a timeline:
Booked Flight August, for December the 28th, right in the middle of the strike. I was livid, grrrr.
The day after I found out about the strike I found out IKII (Island Kea II) had lost her mast. Suddenly the strike was an opportunity to move the flight at no cost to me. Whole strike thing was kicking off so I randomly chose a date in January and booked it.
Went ahead with the "Leaving Do" anyway, 23rd much beer was consumed, the additional leaving do at work was cancelled due to snow day.
Found my flight was a Sunday 10th Jan which was inconvenient, but hey snow disruption so I moved it to Wednesday 13th at no cost (again). Also it looked like it was going to snow like mad on Saturday. It didn't. Wednesday looked clear on the forecast, it wasn't
It snowed on the Tuesday night a lot carried on through Wednesday. So There I am struggling though the snow to Gatwick, through train FAIL and inter-terminal shuttle FAIL. To find as expected. Plane FAIL.
This led to me appearing last night at the BSC (open all weather) bar. To the amusement of the barflies.
So here I am looking out the window of gate 58, at the snow, Gatwick hair port, shy one firewire lead I was confidently expecting to get from Dixons (closed for refurbishment). I didn't get one from Maplins for 2 reasons, 1: Price hell the camcorder was only twice that! 2: length I want to connect a camcorder to a laptop not scale Everest and still be connected to base camp.
P.S. Whether is its Dixons or Dixon's I neither know nor care.
P.P.S. I'm pretty sure about Maplins not being Maplin's.
P.P.P.S. Still need a 4 pin to 4pin firewire lead if your reading this in Antigua.
51° 90' N, 0° 11' W