Volume up, tone down low, rubbish on the radio
Its 8 am, trade wind sailing the boats asleep, Chesney Hawkes, I am the one and only. I'm taking it back. Ok so I don't have a copy of that, will have to get one. I can almost see the camera angle orbiting the boat, power ballad style.
So I haven't the one and only, but its a fabulous feeling watching the miles roll by with the iPod tuned to "Radio Tom" and the volume right up.
Radio Tom all cheese all the time. This phenomenon was originally spotted by flat mate Sherm, who coined the phrase to describe the fact that I have a large collection of MP3s all of which are permanently loaded into one all mighty playlist and locked to random. Most choosing is with the next button.
Try watching the video left with various cheezy, tunes on. This morning that I can remember Radio Tom included:
- Made of Stone - Stone Roses
- She drives me crazy - Fine Young Cannibals
- Rubbish - Carter USM
- Babies - Pulp
- Go your own way - Fleetwood Mac
- Down Under - Men at Work
- I touch myself - Blondie
- Walk Like an Egyptian - Bangles
- Eat for 2 - 10,000 Maniacs
In fact down under was actually playing while me and the iPod are in the movie. I would lip sync it with the sound track, 1: Movie maker is being a git, but fairs fair its not supposed to run on windows 7 at all I had to beat it into submission. 2: I'm not that good at video editing, 3: and most importantly I couldn't sing in time if my life depended on it.
This movie editing is making me slightly queezy the boats moving all over the shop "rolling down the trades" and the boat in the video is moving another way entirely..... Doh. I've given up trying to put that fade in the middle every time I do it crashes.
12° 58.6' N, 74° 13.8' W