Never judge a man by the size of his Namba
The Namba is a Penis Sheath worn in Vanuatu (not by me I hasten to add). They really do still exist, the photo right is one I took at the Land Diving 2 years ago. Its one of my stared photos in Picasa. For those of you not yet users of Windows 7, one of its built in features is a desktop wallpaper changer, I outputted all my best, I.E. Stared photos from home, and installed them on my work PCs windows 7.
Desktop Wallpaper FAIL
Picture if you will, a female member of staff is having trouble with something, enters the IT office, asks for help, I begin to search for her problem, minimise all windows leaving the desktop and the 2 fellows right in all their hi res original glory. On both monitors.
There are time when you've just got to keep a strait face and carry on.
The Aunt Sally above is probably the best I've seen the others are below, the righthand one is, I admit photo shopped and is, I hope, soon to be adorning the Brighton Sailing Club notice board. hope Jim and Toby don't find this post first.
I'm going strait to hell for this one. Though given the multitude of sins I've committed and the price of printer ink maybe I'll bankrupt the bastards.
17° 44.6' S, 168° 18.8' E