they're coming right for me....
Simanderal at Anchor in Farm Bay
Just been down the Botanic gardens, mostly because it was a nice day, its a lovely spot and I know from their blog that Simanderal were anchored their last night.
They've (rather sensibly) decided its a nice spot and are still there.
I also heard today that Ramprasad, Sam's boat, the very same boat I did my first Ocean on, has pulled into the bay just north of Sydney.
Aqualuna is awaiting the riggers in Brisbane, so won't be here for a while. But its Master Chef Australia in Sydney this weekend. No I'm not going, but the sort of people who will probably want to buy quality oven proof non stick ground up gravel based frying pans. I do hope they do, my friends will be down from Port Maquarrie to sell said frying pans. Mind you Master Chef's unique blend of excitement and frying pan sailors has competition. Oprah is in the Opera house this weekend. Try typing that into your browser (opera) without getting confused when your dyslexic.
At Matt's again, turned up in the rain on Wednesday night, because he'd forgotten his wedding anniversary was Sunday and he needed me to take his boat out and race. I didn't do very well.
Anyway, I didn't hit anyone or sink. I'm calling it a win. I've also raised my yacht parking score by 33% I've now parked 6 times (possibly 5). Not bad huh? Wednesday night was wet but at least I got to re familiarise my self with the boat before being in charge on Sunday.
Didn't miss much I suspect, it rained all the way up from Melbourne pretty much, most of the area I went though is badly flooded now. Looking forward to seeing Al and Jack at the weekend.
Anyone desperate for a Stoneline Frying pan should call me and I make sure your order goes in.
33° 51.1' S, 151° 13.3' E