Droving Cattle - like in the westerns died out in the 60's, roads and road trains I assume. End of an era and all that.
Right now in 2013 - call it 50 years later there's a drought in Far Western Queensland, the result is no grass, possibly
exacerbated by the damage to the topsoil by the Queensland floods of a couple of years back.
So some bright spark mustered his cattle and started driving his cattle east grazing them along the way like the old days.
Apparently its all legal the old Droving routes are valid. Its caught on. Certainly in America there were issues with homesteaders
and cattle droving, sounds like what ever agreement happened over here is still legal, 50 years of non-use doesn't seem to have
invalidated. it.
So this year there are men on horseback, with I've been told by someone coming though from Queensland with walky-talkines and high
vis droving cattle again.
A radio report on this I heard a few months back included an interview with a Queensland Farmer who's properties on the old drove
routes commenting he was worried for is own stock - grass he'd thought of as his for a generation with a mob of someone else's
cattle coming though.
I'd love to have seen it.
Please don't take this as Gospel, some of its conjecture - don't quote me on wikipiedia
16° 41' S, 135° 43.6' E