Foiling Tractor
I'm not a fan of Oracle - nice job on MySQL Larry Java's not gone too well since you bought it etc.
I'm not a fan of Larry Ellison, or his handling of the America's cup in fact I thought it was insane and he was a spoiled rich brat. Which is true.
The politics the cheating and the sheer insane cost of entry made it look like this AC was going to be the worst of a bad lot.
For those who haven't been following it and well until recently that was me, it goes something like usual. Money, Lawsuits, money lawsuits. Only this time with most teams dropping out cos it was way too expensive to compete. Oracle well they did they're best to buy their way to victory then they cheated in the preliminary mini ac 45s.
The America's cup is a boat on boat race between barristers, I mean the defender and the challenger. To find the challenger they have a regatta and the best boat goes through to face Orcacle Team USA (its not USA its got one yank left, the other was replaced by Sir Ben Ainslie, celebrated Pom yesterday)
This regatta was a Farce of monumental proportions, of the 3 remaining entrants, one had broken their boat and killed someone and the new boat wasn't finished. The first race was lost as Luna Rossa had rich man's tantrum and didn't enter. And so it proceeded only one boat was ready and actually able to race with any kind of dignity. The Kiwis, oh and they are REALLY Kiwis. Eventually all three teams did race. The boat that won every race usually by a country light year was a boat some Americans dubbed the "foiling tractor".
Image Sailing Anarchy
The foiling tractor has won 6 races so far (9 to win) and Team USA? (fuck no!) has won 1* go the foiling tractor. Hell one of them is 54 years old they had a much smaller budged than Team USA and they're giving Oracle a much deserved kicking.
T-Shirts bearing the above are starting to Appear in San Francisco
* Due to being caught cheating in the AC 45's they've been docked 2 points so its MINUS 1 really.
P.S. I'm not certain - its a new server but my laptop runs a NON Oracle fork of MySQL, server too I think.