XP is Dead, who cares? Opera 12 & Winamp that's a problem
So M$ have killed off XP with a mere 7 years warning. I never liked it any way, the trouble with XP was it was the bastard son windows 2000 and a telly tubby. Windows 2000 was the breakthrough, XP gets far more credit than it was due. Windows 7 is much better anyway and will run on pretty much any pc under about 6 years old quite well. Now lets talk about some more import stuff.
Built Listening to Winamp
This website was "built listening to Winamp" - there's a reason I still have the above tinny advertising banner I liked Winamp so much I advertised it for free. Recently it died, completely no more Winamp no more shoutcast. Its been owned by AOL (remember them), now it seems Winamp's demise has been averted according to this link.
Dear Radionomy, Don't F&%2up Winamp - or I shall be forced to write horrible thinks about you on social media.
Hey I paid for that
Remember when you had to pay for Internet browsers, well not for Internet Explorer, or the god awful AOL one. Firefox was long years away you found Google using Webcrawler well if Netscape hadn't crashed. So what I guess you were paying for was a Browser that actually worked. I had tabbed browsing in 2000 four years before firefox and 6 years before M$'s god awful browser.
Opera was one of the few bits of software I actually paid for, back in my younger piratical days, by paid for I mean shelled out for with cash. I've paid for a lot of things either in pain and suffering, or google style privacy violation. And I was happy to pay. It made my life better. From then till now its driven the browser market. If you wanted to know what Firefox would look like in a few years you got opera. Speed dials are now common - opera pioneered them etc etc. By version 12 it was AWESOME it cloud snyced your bookmarks, it was fast stable rendered well had fantastic add blocking extensions reliable Youtube down loader plugin.
Some idiot killed it, opera is now based on Chrome, I understand its improved a bit. Now its just sucks. Version 20 includes sharper thumbnails in speed dial. Woot, sharper thumbnails. No Opera Link cloud sync, no Dragonfly.
Sod the security implications of the Death of XP, I'm going to keep using Opera 12 for as long a I can keep it running. If I ever find the guy who killed it I'm going to feed him to some Lamas. Lama's eat human flesh and are great for covering up a murder.
If you've no idea what I'm talking about, winamp's official downloads are down at the moment (ahem bittorrent) Opera 12 is here: http://www.opera.com/download/guide/?ver=12.16
So goodbye XP - I won't miss you. But have a beer and put on some lama whipping choons and browse the web with opera while you still can.
And Nullsoft and Telenor. Thankyou!
Opera's1 spell check can handle "Netscape" but not "Winamp", "Google" or Firefox" or "XP". In an extreeme cas of irony it can't do "Telenor" the company who spawned it.
1: Opera 12 - obviously.
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