Surprise Surprise! Its Windows 10
I hope you've all been reading my Windows 10 rantets. Cos windows 10 is coming ready or not. By default Windows Updates Just run, this is a good thing cos un-updated copies of windows are akin to bending over and picking up the soap in the prison shower. You will get unpleasant things coming through the back door. Good news Microsoft is going to install windows 10 on your computer as an update.
I'm exaggerating slightly. It's going from a "Optional update" to a "Recommended Update", Normally you get recommend by default. I think that you may have to actually have clicked the reserve my windows 10 nag button that's been rammed down your throat. I can't remember whether I clicked it or not......*gulp*
In my case is not the end of the world, I'm on the road and have windows updates turned to manual. I'll run it next time I get wifi. I do not want to download windows 10 on my mobile phone hotspot thank you very much. Its 3 to 6 gig on disk. who knows how/if its compressed..
The good news is: windows 10 is actually all right. The bad news is there have already been some surprise updates. People who got up one morning and went WTF has windows 10 slowly installed its self they knew not why. By the way if this happens to you, I'd leave it to run, trying to stop it by powering off etc will probably brick your computer.
Historically you could upgrade to the new version of windows, the rule was "for god's sake don't" anyone who wanted too live did a clean install. I believe that Windows 10 upgrades mostly work. Not that a few didn't get brought in to the company I used to work for having gone horribly wrong. Reports say the ones that do upgrade cleanly mess with your default programs, which is irritating. If you've got a replacement start menu, that will go too. I shiver to think what this will do the unwary. Many are auto signing in and have no idea of their own password, others on win 8 may have the same problem only with an online MS account they probably don't even know they have.
Well this will be fun for all the family.
For the record Microsoft pushing an entirely new OS on people who may very well not expect it is going too far.
Before I got around to publishing this this happened:
Yes that's the "Get M$ Windows 10" Nagware program crashing. Yay! For windows!
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