The Lost Results of Darwin Sailing Club
The Darwin Sailing Club has a new website – its quite impressive actually. The video in the background should horrify me – the bandwidth! If I was traveling or on satellite or whatever I would probably rant.
I actually quite like it mostly cos the sailing portal background video does include Shaw Thing flying home and I’m a vain bastard.
Anyway I assume its as technically as good as it is pretty and like most charges of website it must have had a change of hosting and there for a change of DNS. Someone didn’t record where the subdomain went to. This happens a lot. When web designers try and do networking.
I can’t find it either. Even using DNS history sites and the like – I expect somewhere out there is a server happily listening for connections – if only we knew what it was? However one day the owner of that site will turn it off, or workout they’re not being paid for it and the results will be lost to history. Unless they’re on the Wayback machine. Oh they are….
Well now I have them too, lots of things die on the internet – or are forgotten. But the Darwin Sailing Club Results from 2015-2019 is preserved here – well till I get hit by a ferry and my stuff falls into darkness. no also available on
12° 27.6' S, 130° 48.1' E