All russinas are billy no mates
I've now read so many cold war thrillers I can finally draw a conclusion as to why the USSR lost. Its entirety due to social pressure. You see (according to my reading) the Russians defected all over the place, by car, plane, walking over the Bulgarian border, shooting their way across the Finnish one etc etc etc. Quite frequently with out telling their wives in advance. But this is all right cos all of them (and their wives) have no friends or relatives to miss (or be hauled off to the gulag). Mind you I can't Imagine our gulags would be quite as bad either, they'd probably inflict unspeakable horrors like putting the milk in after the tea.
"vake up honey, Suprise, look, vee have defected",
"This is America?",
"no dear this is Finland, but if I tell all secrets of glorious motherland to nice CIA man with detachable moustache he give us house in place called 'Wisconsin'".
This would never happen to us Brits....
"We must defect darling or dragged of to Gulag, Chop, Chop",
"Yes Come quickly",
"Don't be silly our Daryls comming around Tuesday, can't defect till then, and then there's Becky, you know the cousin of Shona at the greengrocers' wedding next month, I know were not invited but Shona may need help and there's Mavis",
"But honey you hate Mavis?",
"If you think I'm gonna give that Mavis the satisfaction of watching me defect you've another think coming, I'd never hear the end of it. And then me Christmas card list? How can I get cards through the iron curtain...."
6° 33.5' S, 118° 59' W