Wet Feet.
"Wet Feet" may not sound like a partilularly serious title for a blog post. Its all about context. Wet feet when stepping out fo the car, one driver having parked with the passeger door next to the only puddle in south east England is merely annoying. Wet feet, when the rest of the boat is asleep and your stting in the cabin (Ahem) watching Buffy the Vampire slayer (disk 14 of 37ish) on watch is not annoying its profoundly worrying when watter starts sloshing arround your feet.
Abandon ship! Follow me lads we're sinking....
Alan, showing a level of intelegence far behond mine, but which I will remember should this happen again, dipped his finger in it and went. "Its alright its fresh". Turned out to be the frsh water hose to the water filter in the Galley had come off and pumped a quarter of the large forward tank of water into the bilges.
Add this to the Autopilot failure this morning, the demise of the memory card on my camera, the fishing reel (gone again), the irratic gas supply (maybe 2 regulators in line wasn't such a good idea). You think maybe I've done something to annoy God lately? I'm sure I have, going arround declaiming their non existance is probably irritating to any deity. Its hardly a new habit of mine. My recent decision to simplify christianity, judeism and islam to one religeon may have irrititated him (or her), I suppose, but franky I doubt it. Haveing three sects all beliveing in he same God and doing their best to make life as misserable for each other as humanly* possible probably irritates him as much as it does me. That having been said, keep at it you abrahmic sects, till its to late for you to reailse that its not the other belivers that you wanna worry about. OK, it is the other belivers you want to worry about, they'll quite happily shoot, burn, beat or other wise murder you for beliving err pretty much the same as you but in a difernet time zone, but you religeon will carry on*. Its us Aithest you want to worry about. Remember its not anchient Rome any more your not fighting oppresion biggorty hatred opression and so on your most likly peddling them now. Its us Athiests who have the moral high ground, or think we do.
Yeah I know only I could take a minor, if worrying incident of wet feet and blame it on orgaised religeon. Its a blog, its not suposed to make sence.
* it could be "as godly possible" but frankly I doubt it.
** Secretly the'll be very happy about your myrterdom/oppression - its good publicity.
20° 35.3' S, 158° 31.7' W