Island Kea II Transits
Island Kea Locks down to the Pacific at Miraflores Locks
We're in to the Pacific! We when up to Gatun Lake through the Three locks at Gatun Tuesday night , overnighted in Gatun Lake tied to a buoy. Through the lake and cut in grey sky's and no GSM signal. The sun came out as we crossed the continental divide and entered the smaller miraflores lake. Friends from the rally were on the observation platform at Miraflores locks waving. The webcam was working too and due to my leet haKor skillz I had Kieran's server ripping the feed above is the result. RSS and facebook users might want to go and look at my website at this point - using something that can do flash.
We are the right hand boat of the pair just behind the large tourist ferries. As you look at it from the camera.
8° 60' N, 79° 35.6' W