Jesus ***** ******* Christ
Sorry to blaspheme so badly, but I have snot pouring out of me faster than Neil from the young ones. The only think thats more inclined to make me blaspheme is the newly acquired extra hot pepper sauce.
Our first arrival in St Lucia on Ramprasad was on a Sunday, the only open place being the petrol station, where we obtained a bottle marked "Local Pepper", written in permanent marker on a gummed on label. Re used bottle of course. It was lethal. Simon fried some of it with plantain. The results can only be described as mustard gas. It led to the evacuation of the boat
The new extra hot stuff, bought from the market in Castris is pure dynamite, Katrin was a little in cautious last night. Steam came out of her ears, she looked like Wily Coyote having swallowed some Acme(tm) TNT. She reported it cleared her sinuses wonderfully. Helped mine too. Made my eye's water, but there doing that anyway I've such a bad cold.
I'm slightly concerned I'm unable to contact "Jackal" who I was hoping to sail with, originally from here, but now possibly from Grenada. I would feel a lot happier, even if I have to get to Grenada, If I knew where she was. Or even where and when she was was going to be. If I don't work this out I may well have left it too late to find someone else. Which would be a bit of a problem.
14° 70.2' N, 60° 59.3' W