I hate Mondays
Ok at present I usually don't know what day it is. Mondays are less of a problem. But years of work mean I still dislike them. Three things are eternal. Death, Taxes and Mondays. They follow the weekned, in my case, usually equiped with the pain and bruises acrewd sailing and the liver bruising hangover obtianed at Brighton Drinking Club, like the plague, exaserbating the long drag to towards the folowing weekend.
I doubt I'm alone in this, Mondays are universally reviled. Its impossible to get one over on Monday. Its permanent eternal, you can reason with it, it absolutly will not stop. It follows sunday like a hangover follows a good night out. You must pay for your weekend fun, The payment is Monday. There is no way to get to the comparative tranquility of Tuesday without going through Monday. Case closed, no way, imposilbe.
if you slip your moorings at Alofi, Nuie timzone GMT -11, bound for Nuku'lofa, Kingdom of Tonga timezone GMT -13. I think you can sea where this is going. The time in the 2 islands is the same -11 to +13 is 24 hours. Since Tonga is west of the International Date line and Nuie east and we're going east west accross it we set the clocks forward 24 hours. We got up yesterday morning set our clocks and skipped Monday completly.
I won, I beat monday. This week there was no monday. It didn't happen, I was never there. savour the sweet smell of my victory. Hope you all had a good day of wor on Monday the 28th of April. For me it didn't exist. Monday the 28th of April 2008 will for ever be my favourite Monday, it only happened to other people.
20° 48.5' S, 173° 31.3' W